Digital Collage, Photography, Palmistry art book design: the book of diversion

Welcome to David Bircham’s Silent Album Blog. Documenting my process of digital collage and the design of a book surrounding a Victorian hand-written manuscript on the art of palmistry. Images from my ephemera, object and photography collections.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Help needed to date the book

I am looking for someone who can help me date this book. It uses language which is old, but I have no idea how old. If you have any leads, please send me a comment. I'll keep you posted when I find out more...

Here is the opening page from the book. I would love to find out more about the author.

This Book of diversion is a copy of the astrologers magazine, which is a complete treatise of the art of Palmistry.
By the lines marks and character in the hand.
Allowed by the Egyptians, the learned Doctor's and Physicians, and by the greatest philosophers in the universe.
Published by act of Parliament in the act direct.
and sold by all book sellers and news-carriers in town and country.
who can have anything against it allowed and published as a love.
I study it for my own amusement, and to oblige a friend in a private line for nothing but good civility. 

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