Digital Collage, Photography, Palmistry art book design: the book of diversion

Welcome to David Bircham’s Silent Album Blog. Documenting my process of digital collage and the design of a book surrounding a Victorian hand-written manuscript on the art of palmistry. Images from my ephemera, object and photography collections.

Friday, March 12, 2010

African, American and Autralasian Animals

This a plate from a great book I have called "The World’s Inhabitants or Mankind, Animals and Plants" by G.T. Bettany. M.A. 800 Illustrations. 1889. It is a very interesting book with many images that turn up in various collages.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Google to digitise ancient Italian books

Dante's Divine Comedy (Handout: Google Books)
Dante's Divine Comedy will be among the ancient works available online.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jimmie Graham Photos 2 & 3 Years

More photo gems... What a great toy!

Slow Exposure Turkey Dinner

I love the transparent image of this guy in front of this huge turkey. Made me smile.

Recent Photo Finds

I came across these interesting photos while going through some old albums. I love the image of the two guys sitting on the Model-T's bumper.