Digital Collage, Photography, Palmistry art book design: the book of diversion

Welcome to David Bircham’s Silent Album Blog. Documenting my process of digital collage and the design of a book surrounding a Victorian hand-written manuscript on the art of palmistry. Images from my ephemera, object and photography collections.

Friday, March 12, 2010

African, American and Autralasian Animals

This a plate from a great book I have called "The World’s Inhabitants or Mankind, Animals and Plants" by G.T. Bettany. M.A. 800 Illustrations. 1889. It is a very interesting book with many images that turn up in various collages.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Google to digitise ancient Italian books

Dante's Divine Comedy (Handout: Google Books)
Dante's Divine Comedy will be among the ancient works available online.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jimmie Graham Photos 2 & 3 Years

More photo gems... What a great toy!

Slow Exposure Turkey Dinner

I love the transparent image of this guy in front of this huge turkey. Made me smile.

Recent Photo Finds

I came across these interesting photos while going through some old albums. I love the image of the two guys sitting on the Model-T's bumper.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Antique Doll Hand

I received an amazing present today - this cracked antique doll's hand. It will be perfect to use in one of the palmistry collages.

Happy Valentines Day!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Silent Film, Winter, Vulcan Alberta, 1950's

Here is a short 16mm film shot by my wife's grandfather in Vulcan Alberta sometime in the mid 50's. There is no sound. We have others we digitized, I will post more soon.

Antique Canadian Hockey Team Photograph

I found this wonderful image in a suitcase. I have scanned it from a small negative, 2-1/4" square. I wish I knew where in Canada it was taken. I love what the kids are wearing.

The Serpentine, London - Postcard from 1907

Such a strange postcard. It has been coloured using solid silver ink. I really like this effect of adding floods of colour on top of an image. Gold leaf would be interesting too.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Brother Quay Animation - From The Street of Crocodiles

Amazing animation! From 1986. I love their aesthetic. Probably where my love of old doll heads comes from.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Anna May Wong Cigarette Card - 1929

A very interesting card from a series of 48 cigarette cards, "shots from films". Godfrey Phillips Ltd. and Associated Companies. Nice hat!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New - Queen of Hearts Collages

Here is a new collage idea I have been working with based on the face cards in a pack of playing cards. I have begun the series with the Queen of Hearts. The second Queen I added in a border of sorts and changed the upside down fork into a knife. I also thinks the knife and fork look better not cut off.

Pioneer Photographs

What can I say about these incredible Photographs? Amazing finds indeed. I am working on a collage of this portrait as a Jack in a playing card. I'll post updates on this later...

Gold Panning Horse Train

This beautifully faded image of horses was found in a very old album from early last century. It's  from a sequence of photos documenting the search for gold. This photograph is like gold to me.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Beautiful examples of vintage photograph card backs

These examples of Victorian photograph card backs are so beautiful. I love them! The possibilities are endless. I look for cards that have a history to tell. Cards that are burnt, or faded, written on or have incredible logos and typography very much appeal to me.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Vatican Passport from 1833

Here is another Vatican passport from my collection. Front and back. Dated around 1833.

Glass Plate Montage

I found this photograph of my wife's father when he was a baby. I thought it looked very creepy and would be appropriate combined with an image of a glass plate negative.

Photo Montages from trip to France